sorry have been very slack!
Right now, I am at home, having finished work (yay!), just finishing off some things, enjoying time with Si and waiting on bubs. We've done the "dry run" into the hospital (not very exciting), put part of the new wardrobe together (even less exciting, as we took the time to sort out/throw out/laugh at some clothing choices, and I realised I had a snowball's chance of wearing some of these things this year) and just resting.
Bubs is all good and has an eviction date of next Friday, the 31st. I am huge, feel as big as I did with Bran, so a bit aprehensive! Never mind - he'll come out somehow, right? Right?!!
And I need to focus a little on 365 - this has def gone by the wayside. Si hasn't shown any enthusiasm for it which is making it really hard from my POV.