Friday, October 24, 2008

a couple of shots


this is on the northwestern motorway and probably offends a few - but I find it makes me smile on the crawl home from work


and this is from last night - Si and Wayne went out to catch some boy shoot 'em up and ordered the medium popcorn bundle. I would have LOVED to see them explain these away...still, Rach will like them!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jessica Sprague - free course!

Hi - in my regular update from Jessica Sprague (digital scrapbooker) she is offering a free course. You don't need to be a scrapbooker or to use Photoshop to do this one - it's all about the stories in you and how to find your voice.
See here for Jessica's blog entry:
And here for her website to register:

I'm loving the quote that's on her blog. "Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like real life." Brian Andreas.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kathy Lette

Random House brought Kathy into the office today and she was FANTASTIC - funny, kind, funny - one could forgive her for being an aussie. She's on Campbell Live tomorrow night (she was going straight there to shoot the interview with John Campbell, which makes a bit of a mess of the name!) and then on Breakfast and Good Morning on Wednesday.
Try to catch her! I guarantee you'll laugh. The new title is "To Love, Honour & Betray" - the last one was "How to Kill Your Husband, and Other Household Tips". Of course you can get them at Whitcoulls!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

two things...

I'm wearing contacts today for the first time in ages and predictably they are really !#$!%$ing me off.
The Print-on-Demand facility in Melbourne can print me a copy of Clarissa in about 8 minutes (and bind it too so it looks like a normal book, not a whole lot of printed sheets like I'd get if I printed the Google pdf) - this is a week AFTER I found a copy on an internet trading site. Typical.
and I should really have been posting my "Week in the Life" updates but I haven't even downloaded the photos. Bad, bad girl.

that was three things! Whoops!

Oh - and here's another - this arrived yesterday. I am holding off opening it until I have updated my pages and at least started creating the album!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Week in the Life - Day Three notes

as you can see it was a miserable morning. Tonight the rain is more intermittant, but of course it was pouring down when we came out of the supermarket with a trolley of groceries!

A pretty bad day at work again, altho I got thru heaps. Got my leave application knocked back, excuse being that we had too much to do but Catherine herself doesn't seem to have that restriction, working only a couple of hours yesterday and a few today. Two coffee visits and a lunch out on her behalf only made me more filthy. She offered next week but Gwen, having no leave but allowed holidays plus the fact I have new title buying all next fortnight means I can't leave. Its times like these I feel no motivation to go to work.
I did get a call from Jodi at Frontline. Kerry is offering more money and now it's very tempting. I need to call him to view the position description and contract. It's something to seriously think about.
Louise is the last of the family to come down with the tummy/vomiting bug. Unfortunately she was at Drews when it started and G'ma had to fetch her. She's staying there tonight as neither she nor I could face putting her in the car. She's better off quiet, away from the boys and resting.

Finally, finally my cherry tree has a flower on it! I've been waiting to see this for weeks. Every other cherry tree has been covered, just not mine!

And spent some time writing these updates - I really needed to do that. I'm sure I've forgotten things already.

Oh - here's something. It never rains but it pours. Tonight Simon got a call from another contracting company! And a very good reference from his current employer. I like that.

A Week in the Life - Day Two notes

It was a LOT harder to get up this morning. It's always this way when daylight saving starts. So I wore bright blue to try to cheer myself up. Shame I'm not as photogenic as the kids.


Bran was finding it a lot harder today too. He crawled back into bed at Grandma's.


And no beautiful sunrise today. Just gloom and murk. Yuk.

Here's our new logo that greets us when we step out of the lifts. At the risk of being labelled a brown-nose, I actually quite like it. It's very Ali to me, in that we should be looking for the wonderful in everyday things. Which is what this exercise is all about, right?

The work day was really awful. When I was sick no-one edited the mailer proof and I spent most of the day uploading changes and corrections into the version two proof. Very fustrating as 90% of the work had been avoidable had the category managers loaded the information needed into the spreadsheet when they were first asked. I'm still very filthy about it.
But a high-light was Shanee giving Becs and I her ticket to the Duchess premiere (Kiera Knightly and Ralph Fiennes as the Duchess and Duke of Devonshire). We went to Newmarket by train (photos of Britomart facade and the tunnel under the road); took a tour of Becs' Aunt Melly's house (I could happily live there, even tho it's one bedroom) and drove to the Lido. Which is a really old cinema that I love. The back row is roomy seats, with every two separated by a table. Which holds one's wine while one eats chocolate for dinner. Diet? What diet?