It was a LOT harder to get up this morning. It's always this way when daylight saving starts. So I wore bright blue to try to cheer myself up. Shame I'm not as photogenic as the kids.
Bran was finding it a lot harder today too. He crawled back into bed at Grandma's.
And no beautiful sunrise today. Just gloom and murk. Yuk.
Here's our new logo that greets us when we step out of the lifts. At the risk of being labelled a brown-nose, I actually quite like it. It's very Ali to me, in that we should be looking for the wonderful in everyday things. Which is what this exercise is all about, right?
The work day was really awful. When I was sick no-one edited the mailer proof and I spent most of the day uploading changes and corrections into the version two proof. Very fustrating as 90% of the work had been avoidable had the category managers loaded the information needed into the spreadsheet when they were first asked. I'm still very filthy about it.
But a high-light was Shanee giving Becs and I her ticket to the Duchess premiere (Kiera Knightly and Ralph Fiennes as the Duchess and Duke of Devonshire). We went to Newmarket by train (photos of Britomart facade and the tunnel under the road); took a tour of Becs' Aunt Melly's house (I could happily live there, even tho it's one bedroom) and drove to the Lido. Which is a really old cinema that I love. The back row is roomy seats, with every two separated by a table. Which holds one's wine while one eats chocolate for dinner. Diet? What diet?
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